Athirani Phenomena (Marketing)
27 June 2021

Don’t know how many of us from this generation are familiar with Athirani Poo (Flower). It is a beautiful violet flower lifestyle. Loved it and made it a part of their poetry. Slowly it started disappearing, owing to the over exploitation and ignorance. But now, these flowers started appearing in our Flower Nurseries as new version and is been sold with high price as a rare imported item. It’s Melastoma and they say it comes from Malaysia.
It is almost same story as the disappearance of Gold Spot from India and growth of Coca Cola.
What actually happened here was, almost similar products were in market but one vanished and the other grew abundantly. If we analyse this, we will understand the below point;
- It’s not completely about the utility. It’s about the feel of the product/service.
- Need to create superiority about our product/service among others when we push it in market.
- People tend to think costly products are better compared to free/cheap products.
- People tend to think foreign products are good compared to native products.
If we can create these feels about your product/services then you have better chances of surviving among equals.