Digital Marketing Glossary 2022
10 Jan 2022

A small try to put lights on the most trending words in digital marketing this year.

Web 3.0
It represents next phase of evolution of internet which will be more intelligent and more personalised for users. With more of a human like data processing and AI powered decision making, internet will evolve itself. Internet will not be confined to computers or mobiles but as the increase of IOT more things will be part of internet. This will be more data, more accurate calculation, more creamed content and personalised users experience.
NFT-non-fungible token
A token data is stored in asset and the same is tracked with blockchain technology. Non-Fungible items are not interchangeable for other items because they have unique properties. This helps in identifying the owner and easy for public to verify as well. Because of this property any item with an NFT can be traded and the creators can retain the ownership.
With Internet moving towards Web 3.0, information and experience will be personalised on a person-to-person basis. With hyper personalised e-commerce marketing we can give what exactly people want, when they want and how they want. This will create more sales and more satisfied customers. Vendors can communicate with customers with channels of their choice. Also can identify issues immediately and deal with them asap.
Programmatic Advert
Though it is in prevail, 2022 will see a lion share of advertising through Programmatic Ads. These Ads uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to buy advertisements. This will be more transparent and done through real-time auctions where ads are bought at the same time when the visitor loads a website. It is more automatic than human interfered placements. Less hazzle, more efficiency. Less negotiation, more accuracy.
WhatsApp Bots
Bots supports e-commerce businesses to engage more paying customers and enable real-time communication between vendors and customers. This will provide more personalised problem solving which results in trust building. Customers have access to full product and service catalogue through chat bots and communicate with sales team at the same time. Will create an opportunity for upselling, cross selling and negotiations as well.
AI Personalisation
Artificial Intelligence is no more an alien technology. It has started dwelling into our personal lives and impacting our decisions on a day to day basis. With ever evolving big data science, users are now pushed with hyper personalised contents. Imagine our refrigerates decides our eating patterns on the basis of our habits and likes. That’s where we are heading to. Or are we already?

Emotional Push Notifications
Every app on your device want to grab your attention. And like any other being would do, it’s time they go emotional. Weather it is a pop culture refence you like or politics, all brands now concentrates on giving new updates with a bit of emotional communication. And it is working fine as the number suggests that 31% of success rate compared to 16% success rate for logic communication.
Interactive OOH
Though interactive ooh was there for a long time, now with AI it had become more personalised. Digital billboards and interactive signages give more personalised communication than before. Users tend to stay with out-door-advertisements to interactive with them as it is fun. Future possibility of users ordering through billboards or advert pillars is not so far. McDonalds have already stepped into it as you can see.
Direct to Customers
Direct to customers has started surpassing market places and middle men business for good. All brand has endorsed this during pandemic and there is a 45.5% growth in D2C. Less duplicate products, easy communication, more customisability catalyses the process.
Predictive Personalization
Predictive personalization is another term related to hyper-personalisation trend. It is the ability of AI to predict the action of users based on their behavioural pattern. This helps in creating better user experience and allows brands to cater personalised products to customers.